Discover God’s call on your life
“The harvest is plentiful but the labourers are few, so ask the Lord of the harvest to send labourers to his harvest”
Luke 10:2
The Lord continues to call people to lay their lives down in pursuit of a deeply personal relationship with him and in service of the Church’s evangelising mission. In some, God places a desire to embrace a life of consecration to be exclusively set apart for him.
St Catherine of Siena
“Be who you are meant to be and you will set the world on fire”
Perhaps God is calling you to discern a call to consecrated life. Perhaps you have found yourself interested in what you read on this website. There is no joy like discovering what God sees as the best way for us each to individually live our lives to the full. We have each found that opening our lives to listening to the invitation of God for us personally brings a satisfaction and joy that can not be found anywhere else.
Meet our Vocations Director!
We love helping young women discern if consecrated life is the call that God is placing in their hearts.
Our vocations team is ready to accompany you in whatever stage of discernment you might be at.
Katherine Stone MGL

Is God calling you to give all to him?
Do you have a question about discerning your vocation?
It can be difficult and confusing discerning God's call for our lives - it is not a quick and easy task! It takes time to listen to the voice of God within us. If you're discerning and looking for some quick tips, here are some suggestions to help you.
Don’t let discernment freak you out. ‘Do not fear I am with You’ says the Lord. Do not be afraid, I shall help you’ Is 41:13
Include Jesus in your discernment, as funny as this might sound often we can be lead into a decision where we haven’t really made the decision or discerned it with the Lord. This can happen through our insecurities, love/lust, comfort, lack of responsibility, infatuation, judgement etc. In all that we do and all that we are, we need to include Jesus.
Seek someone wise! Try and find a Spiritual Director or someone who you know that can journey in prayer with you.
If you are discerning married life, connect regularly with married couples, hear their story, ask questions. The same applies to single life, get to know other singles. If you are attracted to consecrated life have regular contact with the MGL Sisters, get to know them, spend time with them, ask questions!
Use Reason in prayer- look at the pros and cons. Weigh them up and then sit with each one in prayer.
Imagine yourself talking to someone else in your position – what would you tell them?
Imagine you are at the end of your life and you ask yourself, "what would I have chosen"?
Imagine that you are standing before the Throne of God, then surrender the choice and ask for confirmation
Prayer needs to be given top priority. Seek Jesus in prayer. Sit with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament – what is your heart saying?
Notice the signs, do you get excited about:
The desire of your heart
A simple life
Attraction to poverty, prayer and mission
Jesus as your all
Bringing the Love of Jesus to others
To give all for the sake of the Kingdom
Youth Ministry
Ministry to the poor and marginalised
We need to move in discernment. We need to be active. We can’t just let His will pass by. We can’t just expect that God will come down, stand in front of us and say ‘(Insert your name), I want you to be a Sister’.
In Ecclesiastes it says, ‘young people, enjoy yourselves, while you are young. Make the most of your days of your youth Follow the promptings and desire of your heart.’ You have your whole life ahead of you, this is the time that you can lay down your life before God to see what has in store for you. As Pope Benedict XVI said at WYD08, "Let yourselves be surprised by Christ". So enjoy your youthfulness as part of your discernment
We need to constantly keep on nagging Jesus. Asking him, "Jesus what is you will for me?", Is this what you want me to do with my life?" Keep on coming back to Him, exploring His invitation.
Don’t rush into big decisions!

Discover our rich life of prayer
Our Vocation Stories
Want more on discernment? Take a look at these blogs

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