Our Charism
Called to bring the fire of God’s love to the world
“We, the Missionaries of God’s Love Sisters, have each personally experienced the
transforming power of the love of God and the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.
We desire to bring this fire of love in the heart of Jesus crucified to all whom we meet.”
Sisters Charism Statement
Our charism is expressed in our life of prayer, sisterhood and mission
Our life of prayer
Our life of prayer draws us more deeply into the love of God and sends us out to share this love in sisterhood and mission.
Our celebration of the Eucharist unites us with the wounded heart of Jesus broken open in love for the world. We participate together in the Church’s praise of God and intercession by praying the Liturgy of the Hours (Morning, Evening and Night Prayer).
We attune ourselves to God through daily contemplative prayer, especially silent adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, meditating on Scripture, spiritual reading and the Examen. We regularly partake in retreats and times of solitude to foster our contemplative spirit.
We desire to pray in the Spirit at all times and in particular through times of praise and worship, an openness to prophecy and by interceding for the needs of the world through communal intercessory prayer and the Rosary.
“As Missionaries of God’s Love Sisters,
the Cross and Flame is the central symbol of our prayer.
On the cross we see the Father’s love incarnate in Jesus crucified, casting the fire of the Spirit into our hearts.
Our experience of Baptism in this Spirit permeates and shapes all aspects and expressions of our prayer.”
Sisters Constitutions 3

Get to know the prayers that shape our charism
Our life of sisterhood
Our life together is a precious gift from God. Times of sisterhood recreation, personal sharing and communal celebrations unite us together in love.
Our common life is underpinned by respect, affirmation, vulnerability, loyalty, joy, honesty, forgiveness and interdependence.
Our life of mission
Seeking to live at the heart of the Church and serve her evangelising mission, we engage in the proclamation of the Good News in both initial and ongoing evangelisation. We are particularly drawn to the poor and marginalised, to young people and the unchurched, so that God’s love, mercy and salvation will be known by all.

Want to know more about what we do?
Our Patrons
St Francis of Assisi
St Clare of Assisi
St Francis and St Clare of Assisi influenced the beginnings of the MGL Sisters and inspire our poverty and simplicity in our way of life.
St Ignatius of Loyola
St Teresa of Avila
We receive inspiration from St Ignatius of Loyola and St Teresa of Avila in our life of prayer and draw much wisdom from their spirituality, writings and practices.
St Catherine of Siena
St Dominic
St Catherine of Siena and St Dominic are both renowned for preaching with conviction and love and inspire us to do the same in our life and ministry.
St Thérèse of Lisieux
St Francis de Sales
St Therese of Lisieux and St Francis de Sales inspire our missionary zeal and compel us to go out in many expressions of evangelisation.
St Margaret Mary Alacoque
St Alphonsus Ligouri
St Margaret Mary Alacoque and St Alphonsus Liguori inspire our proclamation of the love of God that we never tire in sharing with all those we meet.