Evangelising in new and dynamic ways
"Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have"
1 Peter 3:15
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Rest In Thee is a series of meditations produced by the Missionaries of God's Love Sisters. Ever found yourself feeling restless and longing for a way to wind down? Rest In Thee is a place for you.
Join us as together we explore the state of contemporary culture, how we got here, and what this all means for us as missionaries in the world today. Contemplating Culture is the book club where we do the reading (of Charles Taylor’s A Secular Age) for you.
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Take a look at our MGL Books
Spirit and Fire: On the Human Journey with the Spirit of Jesus, Patti Jo Crockett MGL
Written by our cofounder, a spiritual director and retreat giver for many years, this book helps ordinary people to make space in everyday living to attend to God’s loving presence.
To purchase a copy please email mglsisters@gmail.com
Our founder, Fr Ken Barker MGL, has a wide selection of books on the spiritual life that are accessible to people at all stages of the discipleship journey.

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