About Us
Catholic charismatic consecrated women living at the heart of the Church
Leader’s Welcome
Welcome! The Missionaries of God’s Love Sisters are a new group of consecrated women seeking to bring the fire of God’s love to all people.
Having experienced the love of Jesus personally, we feel invited to live a life exclusively centred on His love. We express this response of love to Jesus through vows of poverty, chastity and obedience in a lifestyle of prayer, sisterhood and mission.
We hope you will get to know more about who we are: our way of life, our ministries, some individual stories and a few commonly asked questions.
You will also find helpful tips for discernment and, prayer and media resources for your own faith journey.
Enjoy your browsing and we would love to hear from you!
Therese Mills MGL
Our Vowed Life
We express our life of consecration to Jesus through our vows of poverty, chastity and obedience in a lifestyle of prayer, sisterhood and mission.
Our Charism
Through the grace of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, we are called to abide in the fire of God’s love in the heart of Jesus and bring the message of God’s love to all people.
Our Story
The MGL Sisters were founded in Canberra in 1987 from within the Disciples of Jesus Covenant Community as a new expression of consecrated life in the Church in Australia.
Our Mission
Our mission is to bring the love of God to others, especially the young, poor and marginalised. We aim to lead all people to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and to experience a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit in their lives.
Our Prayer
All that we do in sisterhood and mission flows from encountering Jesus in our rich life of eucharistic, contemplative and charismatic prayer.

Is God calling you to consecrated life?