Our Vowed Life
Given in love
“We consecrate ourselves to the wounded Heart of Jesus
broken open in love for the world.”
Sisters Vows Statement
Our whole life is a response to God’s love and flows from a desire to follow in the footsteps of Jesus, who was poor, chaste and obedient. In imitation of him, we make vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, which enable us to freely embrace a life of prayer, mission and sisterhood.
We experience the goodness of God, on whose loving provision we rely for all our needs.

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We have each experienced Jesus personally inviting us to live a life exclusively centred on his love.

Experience our life of prayer
We desire to live in deep surrender to the will of God through the vow of obedience. We place our lives at the service of the sisterhood and the universal mission of the Church, seeking to know and do the will of God.

Is God calling you to give all to Him?