Our Story
An Australian-born expression of charismatic consecrated life
Our Founding: New Fire in the Catholic Church in Australia
In 1986 our founder, Fr Ken Barker, was approached by some young men from the Disciples of Jesus Covenant Community, who felt called to the priesthood, but also wanted to remain part of the community. At the time Fr Ken was both a diocesan priest and member of the Disciples of Jesus.
After much prayer before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, they began to share a common life together, seeking to live the Gospel in a radical way, by imitating Jesus in his poverty, and developing a strong life of prayer and brotherhood. The Missionaries of God’s Love Priests and Brothers then emerged as a new group committed to contemplative prayer, adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, charismatic worship and bringing God’s love to others, especially to the alienated and marginalised in our society.
In the same year, our cofounder, Patti Jo Crockett, was on retreat when she felt the Lord say the words “charismatic religious life”. At the time, Patti Jo was a perpetually vowed sister with the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary (FMM) and relating with the Disciples of Jesus.
As young women from the community approached Patti Jo expressing a desire for consecrated life, she remained faithful to the voice of the Lord and continued to discern His call. In 1987, with her congregation’s blessing, Patti Jo left the FMMs and took perpetual vows as the first Missionaries of God’s Love Sister. In time, more women joined Patti Jo and began a common life of prayer, sisterhood and mission. As a relatively new group, the Missionaries of God’s Love Sisters are on their way to becoming a Religious Institute and are grateful and excited to be called to a new and emerging work of God in the Church today.

Our Foundation Day is celebrated on the 13th December, marking the day in 1987 when Fr Ken Barker, Patti Jo Crockett and the first MGL brothers made their private vows in a public ceremony within Covenant Community in Canberra.
Since the first MGL Sisters household was formed in the Archdiocese of Canberra-Goulburn in 1988, the Sisters have been led by the Holy Spirit to live and minister in Adelaide, Darwin, Melbourne and Sydney, with mission outreaches all over Australia and into the Asia-Pacific.
Since our founding, the fundamental gift that we have received and share with the world is the baptism in the Holy Spirit, which is the primary grace of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. We place ourselves under this outpouring of the Holy Spirit, whose presence shapes our whole way of life and mission.
The Holy Spirit has always drawn us towards youth ministry, work with the poor, ongoing faith formation and retreats, spiritual direction and pastoral care, work with indigenous peoples and creatively sharing the Gospel.