Our Family
MGL Priests and Brothers - Disciples of Jesus - MGL Spiritual Association
We are part of a wider family of people from all states of life who are committed to placing their lives under the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. We live and work in partnership with them to proclaim the liberating, life-transforming power of the love of God to our hurting world.
Our Wider Family
Missionaries of God’s Love Priests and Brothers
We share our charism with the MGL Priests and Brothers, who were established in Canberra in 1986. They too are dedicated to bringing the Good News of God's love to those who do not yet know this, with a special focus on young people and the poor. We minister alongside the MGL Priests and Brothers to proclaim the gospel with clarity, boldness and love to the ends of the earth.
Disciples of Jesus Covenant Community
As MGL Sisters we are members of the Disciples of Jesus Covenant Community, a body of families, singles, priests, consecrated brothers and sisters who have come together under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, to live a common life of prayer, sharing and service.
We seek to move together under the grace of the Holy Spirit to renew the Church and evangelise the world.
MGL Spiritual Association
The Spiritual Association is for lay people who wish to unite their lives with the Missionaries of God's Love in a spirit of prayer and sacrifice, both spiritual and practical. The Spiritual Association enables lay people to join together to become a vital storehouse of prayer and support for the Missionaries of God's Love.
Disciples of Jesus Outreaches
We partner in a variety of missionary endeavours that bring people into a living relationship with Jesus by proclaiming the love of God through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Summer School of Evangelisation
A week long retreat into the powerful experience of the Holy Spirit, opening up possibilities for deepening faith, peace, healing, joy, freedom and passion for the Gospel of Jesus.
Disciples School of Mission
DSM serves the Catholic Church through conducting evangelisation programs and formation schools as well as short term missions in Australia and overseas.
Youth Mission Team
YMT is a national youth organisation that provides young people with a dynamic and relevant encounter with the Gospel, empowering them to make positive life choices.
Light to the Nations Easter Pilgrimage
Young people come on pilgrimage from all around Australia camping under the open skies and joining in a awesome celebration of the Easter liturgies.

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