Pentecost Retreats

During the second half of this year, our Pentecost Retreat Intensive (which was run as in-person 4/5 day retreats in Canberra and Sydney in June) has been attended by a further 35 participants in various formats:

Kathryn ran a small group based in Penshurst (Sydney), while Judy and Berna hosted online small groups and our program of videos and small group sessions was run by our friends at the Yona Shalom prayer group in Townsville.

We are so excited to see even more people deepen in the spiritual gifts, in their relationship with the Holy Spirit and with each other and discover more and more of God’s goodness and glory.

The highlights of running this intensive have included seeing participants: give and receive prophetic words or words of knowledge, often for the first time; pray for and receive healing prayer from one another; hear God’s voice speaking encouragement, hope and peace into their situations and grow closer in relationship as the weeks have continued.

I’ve really taken great delight in seeing and hearing stories of our participants’ confidence in using the spiritual gifts increase, and also witnessing an overall increase in their confidence in God and deepening of their faith and trust in him.

For my group, we all commented that our Monday online sessions were a little spiritual oasis for us in the midst of our busy lives and a time when we could hear God and see his Spirit moving in our midst. We’re so excited to see all the amazing ways the Spirit will continue to move in all the lives of our awesome participants and look forward to running more programs like this in the future!

Berna Toohey


RED flags: The Lessons on forgiveness Taylor left out of ‘All Too Well’


Moving In Mission