Our latest news, reflections, and articles
“We are called to live radically the gospel of Jesus Christ and to proclaim this gospel with clarity, boldness and love to the ends of the earth”
Sisters Constitutions 1.3
Sharing The Gift Of The Spirit
In 2017, at the celebration of the Golden Jubilee of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in Rome, Pope Francis told the faithful gathered there that he wanted us to “share with everyone in the Church the gift of Baptism in the Holy Spirit”. What is this Baptism in the Holy Spirit that the Charismatic Renewal and Pope Francis are talking about?
3 Pillars Of MGL Life
Yesterday I fixed our slow cooker. It’s been sitting in our cupboard with one leg missing for at least six months. To use it, you have to locate the missing leg (usually somewhere else in the cupboard) to prop it up in the gap where there should be a third leg.
The Gift Of My Vows
As a woman consecrated to God, living and probing the depths of the three vows of poverty, chastity and obedience is a mind-blowing reality. In my novitiate I read a story about St. Francis of Assisi and a vision he had before receiving the stigmata.
An A-Z of MGL Life
Have you ever wondered what the great things are about consecrated life … here is a whole alphabet of reasons why I love life as an MGL Sister:
ADORATION and many other ways to pray – the first great thing about being a sister is so much time for prayer.
Frequently Asked Questions #1
Whenever we meet people for the first time, they are often really curious about our life as a new group of consecrated women. And fair enough – choosing to live in a household of adult women, forgoing marriage, babies, fashion and make-up and giving your life so that the world may know that God loves them is certainly not your average lifestyle choice.
The Gift Of Consecration
Nothing on earth could persuade a healthy young woman to give up all plans for marriage, career and individual freedom. Yet Jesus, with a unique intimate invitation into ultimate eternal love, has persuaded many to make a life commitment to be given for God so that many others may come to know God’s love and experience life to the full.

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