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“We are called to live radically the gospel of Jesus Christ and to proclaim this gospel with clarity, boldness and love to the ends of the earth”
Sisters Constitutions 1.3
Soaking in the Resurrection #5
As breakfast finishes after the miraculous catch of 153 fish, Jesus asks Peter, ‘Do you love me?’ In fact, as the story continues, we learn that Jesus asked Peter this question three times. He then invites Peter to ‘feed my sheep’. Many scholars suggest this happens three times to mirror Peter’s three-fold denial during Jesus’ passion. It helps Peter to know he is forgiven and loved and helps him to look forward to where he is now being called.
Soaking in the Resurrection #4
Scripture does not tell us why Peter decided to go fishing not long after Jesus’ resurrection. Did he know it to be an activity which would enable him to think, process and ponder what had happened in recent days? Was he wanting to get in touch with the many experiences he had with Jesus, even miraculous encounters on the very lake where he was now out fishing? How was he feeling when he spent a long night out and caught nothing?

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